Friday, August 14, 2015

Create Your Own Path

“Traveler, there is no path, the path must be forged as you walk.” Anotonio Machado

Over this last week, we’ve been reflecting on the quote above and found that is resonates with us. I mean… how true is it? Do you feel like you clear your own path or do you let others clear it for you?

At times, we've felt that we both allowed others to clear our paths for us. This may have been through what jobs we thought we needed or how we were “supposed” to be living. It’s SO easy to allow others or society to have an impact on the way you think, how you dress or act, and ultimately, how you live. Lately, we’ve made an effort to let go of that and think about the path that God has created for us. This allows us to think for OURSELVES and live out what WE are passionate about—not what someone else or society tells us is “right.” 

We want to challenge each of you to dig deep as you enter the weekend. In what areas of life are you letting others dictate how you’re living and not listening to how God may be guiding your path? Let go of that and try something. Be VULNERABLE! Create your own path—we guarantee if you try it, you’ll feel liberated. We sure have! When you travel through life creating your own path, you are finally able to begin to live the life YOU’VE created for yourself and the life that God has intended you to live. That’s why we’re here and that’s how we can each make the largest impact. After all, life is a GIFT and what you do with it matters!

Another week has flown by for us in South Africa. We had a shorter work week due to Women’s Day on Monday. We have settled into our “home” here for the next two months and have begun to establish solid working goals where we pray we’ll be able to make an impact on the community.  We’ve had great conversations with the women we’re working with and have seen how they operate their business here. These women have a huge passion for what they do and it shows through their business. Many of them work every single day whether that’s in the office, shelter, or out in the community sharing their story to churches and community groups to create awareness around the importance of families and protecting children. It’s encouraging to see their passion and initiative!

Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we enter another week. We’re thankful for your love and support!

With Love,

Ty + Michelle


  1. Ty and Michelle, so well put today! BE VULNERABLE! You are spot on! You both are using God's gifts for His glory and in the process are learning such valuable lessons for yourselves and all of us who follow your journey. May God continue to bless you both during your time there and make all of your work pleasing to Him.

  2. Ty & Michelle,

    I'm so glad you followed your dream! Thank you so much for being vulnerable, even to your followers here. Sharing your journey may help someone else follow Christ as you have! Continued safe travels and much LOVE!

    "Go into all the world and preach the gospel;and if necessary, use words!"
