Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Be Present

Since we've been in Africa, we've been trying to get into more podcasts -- it's such a great way to learn especially when you're doing a lot of traveling! This week we listened to Rob Bell's first podcast from his "RobCast" series and what we got out of it was the message allowing yourself to be present. 

When you look back on the past week, have you been present? When you were out to coffee with a friend were you present? How about at work? In the car? Do you feel like you're really present when you're with others or are you typically on to the next thing, missing what you're currently supposed to be engaged in? 

We believe that deep down we all want to be present. We all want to give whatever task we're trying to achieve our best but it seems like there are always so many distractions. So many of us are overcommitted which causes us to be overwhelmed and always thinking about what is coming next.

So here's our challenge: determine your BEST FOUR. What are four categories that are most important to you--your highest priorities-- things that you need to live with in order to find balance, fulfillment and purpose. For example they may be: family/relationships, health/wellness, career, school, church, volunteering etc... After you determine your four, you can begin setting limits and boundaries by funneling decisions and opportunities through your four. Does what someone is inviting you to align with one of your bests? If the answer is no, than you should politely decline. We simply don't have time to be involved in everything. If we are spreading our wings too far, we're unable to give our time and energy to the things that matter the most to ourselves which does no one any good. 

By being able to determine our own best four's it puts more balance into our lives. It frees our minds up. It allows us to be mindful of the decisions and commitments we're making. We're able to be present. 

We've done this exercise ourselves and so far have found it helpful. Let us know how it goes for you! 

It's Heritage Day here in South Africa Thursday so tomorrow is our Friday! Here is South Africa everyone takes tomorrow off to celebrate their heritage and the diversity of their beliefs and traditions. We've learned that many people spend their day celebrating with a "Braai" (BBQ) with their family and friends. They also dress up in their traditional cultural attire. 

This week has been a great week; although short. Today we spent the day in town doing some shopping for the CYCC. We are so excited to get all the new toys and items over to the kids. We'll be sure to take a lot of photos and share with you. Please keep us in your prayers as we have less than two weeks now. We can't believe how FAST time is going!!

With Love,
Ty + Michelle 

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