Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Worry [Less]

"Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its trouble; it empties today of its strength." Corrie Ten Boom 

Do you find yourself constantly worrying about something? That feeling on Sunday night when you're laying in bed trying to remember what you have to do for the week and already feeling overwhelmed with the tasks at hand. Or that feeling you have when you have a lot of family or friends coming over and you think "My house is never going to be clean enough or how in the world am I going to manage to make everything before they get here?" 

We all worry. Some of us more than others. We both admit to being victims of being worriers. 

Sometimes it feels like life is going to explode and your list of things to do is just too long and not manageable. Well, that list may be very long but guess what. You're doing the best you can do. You can only control what you CAN do and the rest we need to hand over. 

In Matthew 6:27, Jesus asks us, "Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?" The answer here is no. Our worries certainly cannot add a single moment to our life. In fact, they actually rob you of your JOY. Although most times it's easier to sit there and feel sorry for yourself and panic about the millions of things you should be doing. Try to take a step back. Prioritize what you need to do and then get started! At the end of the day, you've done your best. And tomorrow is a new day.  

If we work harder to focus more on asking God to help us find solutions and give us the STRENGTH to get through our crazy schedules; we can go to bed knowing we did what we could. And that is enough. 

We challenge each of you to try this with us. Next time you're feeling overwhelmed, simply say a prayer asking that God helps direct you through what needs to be done. Ask for Him to give you strength rather than worry. 

This week is off to a great start. Today we had the opportunity to ride along with SFCS's social work manager to visit another family who has gone through the adoption process with SFCS. The adoptive mother had a heart of gold and you could feel the connection between the baby and the mother. It's touching to be able to see this first hand. 

We can't believe that three weeks from today we will be home. We are trying to savor the last couple of weeks here! Please continue to keep us and this organization in your thoughts and prayers as we wrap up our time together with them. We're very grateful for each of you taking this journey alongside us. 

With Love,
Ty + Michelle 

>> Click here to take a look at the video we created reflecting our time here in South Africa <<


  1. Translations
    Hi Ty and Michelle,

    One of Cherie's favorite verses is Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself". Worry is another word for anxiety. Anxiety and depression can be identified by the presence of either fear or anger. Fear and worry go hand and hand. Your inspiring words bring real life encouragement to us all that when we have faith in God above that our worries can be let go as He will carry the burden IF we allow Him to. God bless you both on your final weeks of your journey.

  2. Thanks for the kind words Jeff, look forward to catching up when we are back!
